What a few of our customers say...
"I bought a Lätta Lyft bathing seat from you a while ago and I
think that it is completely excellent, considering those options
it provides."
- Helena Gustafsson
"I bought a Lätta Lyft from you one year ago - absolutely excellent.
We have one of each. And, we cannot do without them now that
we have started using them.”
- Marie Ringqvist
"Do you think that they are available as leisure aids for children?
We live in Stockholm and I saw it as a perfect way to get my
16-year old into and out of the sea (it is almost impossible today)."
- Maria Olin
"Your carrier seat is indispensible! It makes things easier and
e.g. holidays fun again.!"
"I feel that Lätta Lyft should be included with every wheelchair!"
- Åsa Andersson
"I have been on the island of Djerba in Tunisia for a 4-week
rehabilitation. I was transferred from the wheelchair every day;
they lifted me so easily without jerking me. I could sit on normal
chairs. It was perfect at the airport. A satisfied buyer."
- Mona-Lisa Gozzi
Not everything has been saved unfortunately. Contact us,
we would like to hear your own comments.