Lätta Lyft, original and bathing seat/lift seat
Only your fantasy sets limits on how and where Lätta Lyft
lift seat can be used. No one needs to pull at and lift arms,
legs or clothes.
Everything sits in place with no muscle or joints problems
resulting from incorrect lifting. It will feel secure being
carried on stairs, onto a train, lifted into a pool, the sea or
into an airplane. Always travel with Lätta Lyft, it guarantees
a comfortable journey.
The carrier seats are just as useful at the summer cottage,
at friends who live at inaccessible places, when moving to
your favourite armchair, at the movies, at the dentist's,
the doctor's or at the physiotherapist's.
In case of fire when the lifts are shut down,
Lätta Lyft is life insurance for those with disabilities.
The products are CE-marketed and durability has been
tested at Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, Borås.